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por | 16 Mar, 23 | Viajes

by Carmen Alvarez

My dear friend Fernando Lugris, Ambassador of Uruguay in China and Mongolia, wrote to me one day saying a friend from Mongolia was coming to visit Uruguay for the first time and if I could meet her and take her around to show her our main cultural, social and production features. Of course, having been in China (that has a extended border with Mongolia) 4 times and knowing the region I immediately took the challenge and the surprise was that Unur Lkhagvadorj turned out to be a fantastic, intelligent, extremely nice young girl who was very willing to tell me all the secrets of Mongolian life and culture. 

As you all know I love travelling and I am lucky to know many places by now. Mongolia had maybe never occured to me before as a possible destination but, after the zeal that Unur put in the narration of  her native country, I know it will be a target for me in the near future. I hope my next reference to it in this magazine will eventually come from that distant but exotic and delightful part of the world  !!

– Unur, you are a young woman who was born in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. What can you tell us about your country ? Remember that we here in South America are very far away and we may not know many things about that part of Asia.

My country is a lovely one and, like Uruguay, we are barely 3 million inhabitants. Mongolia, according to its size, is the world’s least populated country. Half the population lives in the capital Ulan Bator which is the world’s coldest capital. As you know it is located between Russia and China. It has high mountains, forests, vast steppes and the Gobi dessert.

As in Uruguay, where there are many cows per persons in Mongolia we have almost as many people as horses and millions of sheep, goats, cows and camels. People eat all of them, together with lamb.

Many people continue to live in dome shaped, tent-like structures called yurts or gers. It’s very nice, only you have to watch out the cold weather. It can be down to minus 50 degrees.

– We are very happy to have you here in Uruguay and you are coming from BA. I hope you like the River Plate, and you have this wonderful photo with it behind. However, the question is, what brought you here ? Are you a well travelled person, a girl that likes new places and cultures?

It’s the first time I come to South America and I find Uruguay a very nice country, the people are very friendly. I must say that I first learnt about Uruguay through the Ambassador in China and Mongolia, Fernando Lugris and of course he encouraged me to come and visit as much as I could here and, if possible, make friends.

That is why I am interested in culture, gastronomy, and of course business which is part of my specialization.

For me this kind of trips are a challenge. I have travelled a lot, and I even lived in London for 2 years studying English, but I get a little anxious. But once I am there, I enjoy a lot.

– Your CV is very impressive. You have a lot of qualifications on governance, business administration, computer science, cultural exchanging programs and even social responsibility. Which is the sector you are focused at the moment and what are your plans for the near future ?

At the moment I am also having a responsibility in the Uruguayan Consulate in Mongolia and one of my aims is to streghten the bonds between the two countries. I hope that implies to come back here more often.

I can also say that I am very happy with my career but maybe I am still looking for my talent. That’s why I like art so much and now I want to start studying Spanish since I know I am going to come back to Uruguay more often.

– Part of the fun of your visit was to make you not only feel at home but try to show you some typical features of our country. Can you please give us a final message of your stay in Uruguay ?

My message is to encourage you to keep preserving Uruguay’s heritage and traditional values. The nature and the splendid architecture from the past, as well as the pristine nature and the freedom of relax approach to life and its people.

Thank you Unur   !!!!

Women in Move Magazine Virtual / Editora Carmen Álvarez

Women in Move

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by Carmen Álvarez Conocí a Bárbara Eldbeissy en Montevideo con una de sus hijas, en uno de sus viajes a nuestro país desde Emiratos Árabes donde trabaja en la sede de la Embajada uruguaya en la capital, Abu Dhabi. Enseguida nos dimos cuenta que teníamos muchos temas...

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